A Man Adopts A 16-Year-Old Dog, Ensuring That His Final Moments Be As Joyful As Possible

When we get a dog, we have to accept that it will not live as long as we would like. They share a part of our lives, but they live with us their whole lives, so we strive to provide them with the best possible existence. We know they worked hard for everything.

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When Zach Shaw, co-founder of the Marleys Mutts Initiative and Pawsitive Change, first met an old dog named Henry at the Tehachapi, Calif., rescue center, he had this impression. The 16-year-old dog was scruffy with gray streaks on his fur and wasn’t as agile or energetic as other dogs at the shelter.

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Zach was deeply affected and could not bear the thought of a dog spending his final years in this way. He gladly offered to be Henry’s foster father in March 2021. He wanted Henry to meet new people and create new memories.

Due to his age, Henry struggled to walk for a while, but this cute dog worked tirelessly to extract energy from him, and they soon noticed him walking and running. Zach as a puppy in his backyard. This was difficult for his adoptive father to accept.

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Along with his aging issues, Henry discovered he had testicular cancer while living with a foster family. Fortunately, treatment enabled him to overcome the disease. This dog was gasping for air.

Although satisfied with the progress he had made, Zach had to leave Henry and chose to find a new location for himself. After all, he wanted to give this adorable little dog the best years of his life.

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Owing to his natural activity and contentment, Henry, despite his age, had no great difficulty in finding a home. His new mother adores him, takes wonderful care of him, and even uploads photos of her travels on Instagram.

Henry still has the energy to walk around and enjoy the sunshine. He enjoys being outdoors, is familiar with her supportive family, and has a large social media following.

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Henry went from an old dog abandoned in a shelter to a dear friend because of Zach, who met Henry at the shelter and believed he deserved better in life.

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